Monday, July 11, 2011

On the hunt for the white/green stone burs!

If you live in the United States and you are new to the world of drill engraving you might be having a bit of a hard time finding the so illusive green and white stones! Well worry no more! For here we have found them for you (with photos and also with first hand experience) So here we have META Dental and their catalogue



All you really need is the catalogue just to start . So what we have here are the green and white stones and we have them in two sizes as shown on the photo. The larger burs are the ones on page 1 and I will give you their number they are:

Large green burs - GO13 and GO19 catalogue page 1

Large white burs – W020 and WO30 catalogue page 1

The small burs are on page 2 and they are:

Small bur white - RD-1 catalogue page 2

Small bur green – FL-2 catalogue page 2

The small burs are better for polishing and creating a gray film look, like fog… I do not use them for smoothing but for adding a bit of detail. I will write about smoothing next week (keep tuned) The best thing is that I have found that the small burs can be used with water. Also the larger ones can be used with water but are not as smooth as the larger ones. Please have a look at their website and get a price by emailing them. They have great customer service and fast shipping. Now the shank for the larger burs shown on here is about 3/32” and 1/16 for the smaller ones.

But if you think that is all we have… you are incorrect! If you really need to have them right now and can not wait to try them till you get an email from Meta Dental… they also sale them on EBAY and here is the link:

Go towards the bottom and you will see them (with free shipping) You can get the FG:FL3A (free shipping) I hope this has helped you as it helped me. Again… DO NOT BUY everything you see… try a small box for 9.99 (free shipping) before you go like me and buy the whole stock! =) also do some more research, try dental web sites etc. – Look at how an item is listed and use those words to google search. Happy engraving my friends! Happy engraving!

1 comment:

  1. Some great info for anyone looking to start glass engraving. Useful links too :)
